
What is TED-Ed?

What is TED-Ed Lesson Worth Sharing?

TED-Ed provides many educational videos to watch, to think and to discuss. Students can learn much by watching informative videos. Educators can use videos or create their lessons using any video from YouTube to teach students in their classroom.

Here is an example video from TED-Ed
<Try this>
After watch this video answer to these questions to know if you understood the meaning.
1. What is verbal irony?
2. Explain the relation of verbal irony and sarcasm.
3. When do you use varbal irony?
4. Give some situations in using verbal irony.


Who is The New Woman?

This is a presentation I made by using slideshare for Film and Lit. class.

The New Woman in The Great Gatsby from Leah Uenishi

In the film, The Great Gatsby (1974)by Jack Clayton,  Daisy, Jordan, and Myrtle are all versions of the New Woman, in spite of their numerous differences in class, occupation, marital status, appearance and personal traits.


What Is bubbl.us?

Bubble.us is a program for you to brainstorm main concept, idea or argument online.

You don't need to login to use, however, it will give you more options such as saving a sheet, collaborating and sharing  with others if you sign up and make an account.

How to use it?

It is an easy program to use. You can start brainstorming right away by clicking a button.

Start by typing a main idea in a bubble and to create new bubble by clicking Ctrl+Enter. To create a sibling bubble by clicking Tab.
Change colors of bubbles and connect them by using arrows if you like. 

After saving the sheet you can share it with friends.