
What is TED-Ed?

What is TED-Ed Lesson Worth Sharing?

TED-Ed provides many educational videos to watch, to think and to discuss. Students can learn much by watching informative videos. Educators can use videos or create their lessons using any video from YouTube to teach students in their classroom.

Here is an example video from TED-Ed
<Try this>
After watch this video answer to these questions to know if you understood the meaning.
1. What is verbal irony?
2. Explain the relation of verbal irony and sarcasm.
3. When do you use varbal irony?
4. Give some situations in using verbal irony.


Who is The New Woman?

This is a presentation I made by using slideshare for Film and Lit. class.

The New Woman in The Great Gatsby from Leah Uenishi

In the film, The Great Gatsby (1974)by Jack Clayton,  Daisy, Jordan, and Myrtle are all versions of the New Woman, in spite of their numerous differences in class, occupation, marital status, appearance and personal traits.


What Is bubbl.us?

Bubble.us is a program for you to brainstorm main concept, idea or argument online.

You don't need to login to use, however, it will give you more options such as saving a sheet, collaborating and sharing  with others if you sign up and make an account.

How to use it?

It is an easy program to use. You can start brainstorming right away by clicking a button.

Start by typing a main idea in a bubble and to create new bubble by clicking Ctrl+Enter. To create a sibling bubble by clicking Tab.
Change colors of bubbles and connect them by using arrows if you like. 

After saving the sheet you can share it with friends.


Who is Billy Pilgrim?

Here is a slideshare I made for Contemporary Literature Class

It is an introduction of the protagonist of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut



Enlish Central

English Central is the great online language learning site. You can listen and watch hundreds of videos from TV shows, films, YouTube, and other video with text transcriptions and word definition to enhance your English. Learn vocabulary by answering to the word quiz and improve pronunciation and speech using interactive speech assessment technology.

English Central is also perfect practice tool for English learners but afraid to speak or too shy to talk to natives yet. By listening and watching native speaker's English, they can develop their confidence and over come their shyness. Register as a student and make a new account by putting a name, e-mail address and password. They can choose videos according to their English language levels- beginner, intermediate, and advanced.   

Teachers can use English Central in a class to teach learners. Register as a teacher and invite students, form schools and classes/groups, set curriculums and goal, truck students and download reports.


What is Storybird?

What is Storybird?

Storybird is a great tool for creating a digital storytelling. It is like an animated version of PowerPoint. No need to worry about your lack of ability in drawing pictures. You can create a visual storytelling by using one of prepared group of arts. You just need to drag a picture from the side to a page and add a matching story.
Before creating a story you need to sign up first. Create an easy username and password. Students can create their own page on their blog and add links after they finish making their stories.

Wonderful tool for both teaching and learning language

Storybird is a wonderful tool for teaching language. The teachers can assign students to read some stories from the great number of collections. Or ask them to write their own stories by using pictures from the art gallery. It is really easy to create a story. Choose your object before you publish your story.   

Here is the story I created in a class.


What is Podcast?

This is the presentation about Podcast I made by using Prezi

What is Prezi?

What is Prezi?

Prezi is a presentation software which is widely used in school and in business world lately. It is a great tool to teach languages for teachers as well. I love Prezi more than PowerPoint because it makes our presentation more lively and fascinating to my audience in a class.


How to start?

To get to start Prezi you need to create your Prezi account, simply by using an email adress and PIN cord and you can create your idea on a page. To show details on a page by zooming in or out. To show path by adding arrows or highlighting words. You can add photos, videos, and documents or import PPT files for use. There are numbers of great formats which we can download for free from Prezi. Many tutorial videos on YouTube help us to make a great presentation as well.    

Here is the link of Prezi tutorials on YouTube 


What is Slideshare?

 What is Slideshare?

Slideshare is one of the great presentation sharing tools. It is widely used in business occasions and at school to give a presentation or to share it with others on line. 
First, go to Slideshare page and create your account by typing an e-mail, user name, and password. Then you are ready to create and share it with other people!
Know about Leah from Leah Uenishi

Make it simple

The best way to make your presentation success is using a simple but powerful slides. A picture is worth a thousand words. Use a lot of picture on your slides rather than bombard with heavy-text. The more slides, the better.